Some people don't understand that a country is inhabited by people belonging to the same ethnicity/race, who speak the same language, share the same culture, history and past, who eat the same typical, traditional, regional, national food and have the same customs, traditions and beliefs (today the ethnic peoples of #Europe are disappearing due to mass and uncontrolled #migration, #miscegenation, crossbreeding, #multiculturalism, racial and sexual #diversity, #homosexuality, the destruction of values and principles, forced #inclusion, same-sex unions —endorsed by the state and the Catholic church—, homoparental adoptions, substitution and replacement of the traditional family, #abortion —consensual murder of unborn human beings—, etc.).

    What the hell do foreign invaders (migrants, #refugees, asylum seekers, expats, exiles, etc.) expect to see/find in countries where the majority of the population is homogeneous, has the same origin, the same idiosyncrasy and believes in the same "god"? People of the same race as them? Mosques, synagogues, Buddhist temples, Shinto temples, Hindu temples? People who speak the same language as them? The same laws as in their home countries? Customs, traditions, beliefs and typical food of their home countries? They're NOT in their fucking shithole countries, they're in THE COUNTRY OF THE GERMAN PEOPLE!

    They should know that if they come to #Germany, they'll be surrounded by millions of Germans who OBVIOUSLY speak #German, who eat pork (pork-chops), potatoes and sausages, who drink beer, who love football, German cars and German women, who have similar physical features (due to our race) as well as similar or the same behaviors/attitudes/characteristics/traits typical of our nationality and culture.

    If you hate Germans so much, why the hell are you living in Germany? Stay in your home country so you don't miss your language, cuisine, laws, customs and traditions or move to a country that is similar to yours. Germany was NOT founded and developed by my ancestors for a horde of anti-German racists from the third world to come and tell us that we're "nosy", that we're "terrible drivers", that our food "sucks", that our language is the "worst sounding language in the world", that older German women shouldn't dye their hair (I remind you that older women in your countries dye their hair blonde, wear blue contact lenses and lighten their skin to "look" like older German/European women), that our rules, policies and laws are "ridiculous" and that we're "racist".

    Would you say the same if your country was invaded every single day by thousands of Africans, Middle Easterners and South Americans? If your culture, customs, traditions and beliefs were replaced with the "culture", customs, traditions and beliefs of people who hate your country and it population? If you had to deal on a daily basis with foreigners who insult you, beat you up and/or attack you just because you have a different skin colour? It's very easy to give your opinion and call us "racist" when you're not facing a population replacement ( #TheGreatReplacement ) and a planned genocide ( #WhiteGenocide ).

    On the other hand, I also think that the best Germans were killed in #WWI and #WWII, however, there are still Germans (descendants of those great men and women who died in both wars) who inherited not only their blood (lineage) but their character, willpower, mentality, courage, strength, dignity and pride and that we keep fighting despite having everything against us.

    I hope this Germanophobe has left Germany for good and never come back. We Germans don't need anything from invaders like him or any other.
    —GERMANOPHOBIA/ANTIGERMANISM: EXPOSING ANTI-GERMAN RACISTS. COMMENTS MADE BY GERMANOPHOBES AND TEUTOPHOBES (PART 1)— Some people don't understand that a country is inhabited by people belonging to the same ethnicity/race, who speak the same language, share the same culture, history and past, who eat the same typical, traditional, regional, national food and have the same customs, traditions and beliefs (today the ethnic peoples of #Europe are disappearing due to mass and uncontrolled #migration, #miscegenation, crossbreeding, #multiculturalism, racial and sexual #diversity, #homosexuality, the destruction of values and principles, forced #inclusion, same-sex unions —endorsed by the state and the Catholic church—, homoparental adoptions, substitution and replacement of the traditional family, #abortion —consensual murder of unborn human beings—, etc.). What the hell do foreign invaders (migrants, #refugees, asylum seekers, expats, exiles, etc.) expect to see/find in countries where the majority of the population is homogeneous, has the same origin, the same idiosyncrasy and believes in the same "god"? People of the same race as them? Mosques, synagogues, Buddhist temples, Shinto temples, Hindu temples? People who speak the same language as them? The same laws as in their home countries? Customs, traditions, beliefs and typical food of their home countries? They're NOT in their fucking shithole countries, they're in THE COUNTRY OF THE GERMAN PEOPLE! They should know that if they come to #Germany, they'll be surrounded by millions of Germans who OBVIOUSLY speak #German, who eat pork (pork-chops), potatoes and sausages, who drink beer, who love football, German cars and German women, who have similar physical features (due to our race) as well as similar or the same behaviors/attitudes/characteristics/traits typical of our nationality and culture. If you hate Germans so much, why the hell are you living in Germany? Stay in your home country so you don't miss your language, cuisine, laws, customs and traditions or move to a country that is similar to yours. Germany was NOT founded and developed by my ancestors for a horde of anti-German racists from the third world to come and tell us that we're "nosy", that we're "terrible drivers", that our food "sucks", that our language is the "worst sounding language in the world", that older German women shouldn't dye their hair (I remind you that older women in your countries dye their hair blonde, wear blue contact lenses and lighten their skin to "look" like older German/European women), that our rules, policies and laws are "ridiculous" and that we're "racist". Would you say the same if your country was invaded every single day by thousands of Africans, Middle Easterners and South Americans? If your culture, customs, traditions and beliefs were replaced with the "culture", customs, traditions and beliefs of people who hate your country and it population? If you had to deal on a daily basis with foreigners who insult you, beat you up and/or attack you just because you have a different skin colour? It's very easy to give your opinion and call us "racist" when you're not facing a population replacement ( #TheGreatReplacement ) and a planned genocide ( #WhiteGenocide ). On the other hand, I also think that the best Germans were killed in #WWI and #WWII, however, there are still Germans (descendants of those great men and women who died in both wars) who inherited not only their blood (lineage) but their character, willpower, mentality, courage, strength, dignity and pride and that we keep fighting despite having everything against us. I hope this Germanophobe has left Germany for good and never come back. We Germans don't need anything from invaders like him or any other.
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 4108 Views
    IMHO: "LIBERALISM" IS DEMENTED, SATANIC,...AND "RACIST"!!!... https://americafirstreport.com/viral-video-asks-what-are-we-doing-to-white-people/
    Viral Video Asks, “What Are We Doing to White People?”
    A viral video has lit up TikTok and YouTube recently, netting the original poster Charlie Cheon over 4 million views
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 305 Views
  • Globe Debunked by Flat Earthers Armed with Lasers

    Do YOU have a bobcat in your house and THINK it's a dog?
    The last video that I posted by @Taboo_Conspiracy featured @owenbenjamin talking about REALITY in a world of LIES!

    The video was posted a couple years ago, but Owen was really on game in the video, and he was talking specifically about how we CANNOT live a normal and happy life when EVERYTHING WE BELIEVE IS BASED ON LIES!

    He used and example of a family who cannot figure out WHY their "dog" kept biting the mailman, and had attacked the whole family etc..

    His point was simple... As the family kept making excuses for the dog's behavior and whining about the dog attacking people etc. What was REALLY HAPPENING was NOT that the family had a vicious dog, but rather the family was living in a DELUSION... They did not have a dog! They were feeding a BOBCAT!

    This family made excuses for this "dog's" behavior and completely failed to address the issue because THEY WERE REFUSING TO ACCEPT REALITY!

    They had a bobcat in their house eating people and tearing sh*t up! But because they refused to accept the REALITY that this was a bobcat and not a dog, they kept living in the lie, and so their situation got worse and worse!

    It's the EXACT SAME THING that is going on in society today!
    #Satan has brought in a LIE so big, so well funded, and taught in schools etc, people have lost touch with REALITY ITSELF!

    And THIS IS WHY "Math" is now supposedly "Racist" and how
    "Men can have babies" and it's okay for children to dance for Deviant #Pedophiles in strip clubs and #Marxism is the core value in schools etc....

    People have ACCEPTED a lie that tells them ALL OF YOUR SENSES ARE WRONG, and NOTHING you see, hear, taste, smell, and FEEL can be trusted....

    People now believe a LIE so big, so #Satanic, and so demonstrably FALSE that they have completely lost touch with REALITY ITSELF!

    This entire pyramid of PURE DELUSION all stems from a single LIE
    A lie told by the "Father of Lies" which inverts reality itself!

    There can be no #ClimateChange LIE without it!
    There can be no #Evolution LIE without it!
    There can be no "YOU are a cancer on the Earth" without it!
    There can be no "The Earth is over-populated" LIE without it!
    There can be no "Boys can be girls" without it!
    There can be no "Everyone's a #Racist" LIE without it!
    There can be no "Aliens are going to attack us" LIE without it!
    There can be no "The climate is an existential threat" LIE without it!
    There can be no "God is not real" LIE without it!

    I could go on for a week like with more examples!

    Our world is nothing but ONE BIG LIE! But the FOUNDATION which these LIES are built on, the one that holds up all other LIES in this world, is the LIE that we are "insignificant specks of dust living on a spinning ball in an infinite universe"

    A LIE straight from the "Father of LIES" Satan himself!
    YOU do not live on a spinning ball folks!

    And until YOU CAN ADMIT THIS SIMPLE #Truth you cannot ever start fixing the problems of this delusional world!

    Because the "World" you THINK you live in is a DELUSION!

    You can NEVER take back control over REALITY and LOGIC while you are convinced of a LIE which completely alters your reality!

    YOUR WHOLE LIFE is built upon a foundation of a LIE!
    How can you ever escape the fun-house of this world when you refuse to admit that you are at the carnival?

    When you claim "This fun-house is actually my Living Room"?
    As long as you are convincing yourself that the wild BOBCAT who wandered into your home and is attacking people, is actually your dog

    How can you EVER try to grasp REALITY when you refuse to accept reality?

    A MAN, just like a house, needs a strong FOUNDATION BASED IN TRUTH!
    Bad Foundation, man falls during every storm

    MATHEW 7

    23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

    24 Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock:

    25 And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock.

    26 And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand:

    27 And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it.

    28 And it came to pass, when Jesus had ended these sayings, the people were astonished at his doctrine:

    29 For he taught them as one having authority, and not as the scribes.

    Seek a strong FOUNDATION of truth

    Globe Debunked by Flat Earthers Armed with Lasers Do YOU have a bobcat in your house and THINK it's a dog? The last video that I posted by @Taboo_Conspiracy featured @owenbenjamin talking about REALITY in a world of LIES! The video was posted a couple years ago, but Owen was really on game in the video, and he was talking specifically about how we CANNOT live a normal and happy life when EVERYTHING WE BELIEVE IS BASED ON LIES! He used and example of a family who cannot figure out WHY their "dog" kept biting the mailman, and had attacked the whole family etc.. His point was simple... As the family kept making excuses for the dog's behavior and whining about the dog attacking people etc. What was REALLY HAPPENING was NOT that the family had a vicious dog, but rather the family was living in a DELUSION... They did not have a dog! They were feeding a BOBCAT! This family made excuses for this "dog's" behavior and completely failed to address the issue because THEY WERE REFUSING TO ACCEPT REALITY! They had a bobcat in their house eating people and tearing sh*t up! But because they refused to accept the REALITY that this was a bobcat and not a dog, they kept living in the lie, and so their situation got worse and worse! It's the EXACT SAME THING that is going on in society today! #Satan has brought in a LIE so big, so well funded, and taught in schools etc, people have lost touch with REALITY ITSELF! And THIS IS WHY "Math" is now supposedly "Racist" and how "Men can have babies" and it's okay for children to dance for Deviant #Pedophiles in strip clubs and #Marxism is the core value in schools etc.... People have ACCEPTED a lie that tells them ALL OF YOUR SENSES ARE WRONG, and NOTHING you see, hear, taste, smell, and FEEL can be trusted.... People now believe a LIE so big, so #Satanic, and so demonstrably FALSE that they have completely lost touch with REALITY ITSELF! This entire pyramid of PURE DELUSION all stems from a single LIE A lie told by the "Father of Lies" which inverts reality itself! NONE OF TODAY'S BS IS POSSIBLE WITHOUT THIS FOUNDATIONAL LIE! There can be no #ClimateChange LIE without it! There can be no #Evolution LIE without it! There can be no "YOU are a cancer on the Earth" without it! There can be no "The Earth is over-populated" LIE without it! There can be no "Boys can be girls" without it! There can be no "Everyone's a #Racist" LIE without it! There can be no "Aliens are going to attack us" LIE without it! There can be no "The climate is an existential threat" LIE without it! There can be no "God is not real" LIE without it! I could go on for a week like with more examples! ALL OF THESE LIES STAND ON A SINGLE FOUNDATIONAL LIE! Our world is nothing but ONE BIG LIE! But the FOUNDATION which these LIES are built on, the one that holds up all other LIES in this world, is the LIE that we are "insignificant specks of dust living on a spinning ball in an infinite universe" A LIE straight from the "Father of LIES" Satan himself! YOU do not live on a spinning ball folks! And until YOU CAN ADMIT THIS SIMPLE #Truth you cannot ever start fixing the problems of this delusional world! NOTHING YOU DO WILL EVER CHANGE ANYTHING IN THIS WORLD! Because the "World" you THINK you live in is a DELUSION! You can NEVER take back control over REALITY and LOGIC while you are convinced of a LIE which completely alters your reality! YOUR WHOLE LIFE is built upon a foundation of a LIE! How can you ever escape the fun-house of this world when you refuse to admit that you are at the carnival? When you claim "This fun-house is actually my Living Room"? As long as you are convincing yourself that the wild BOBCAT who wandered into your home and is attacking people, is actually your dog Your ENTIRE FOUNDATION FOR YOUR LIFE is based on pure FICTION! How can you EVER try to grasp REALITY when you refuse to accept reality? YOU ARE LIVING IN THE "GREAT DECEPTION" OF THE BIBLE RIGHT NOW! A MAN, just like a house, needs a strong FOUNDATION BASED IN TRUTH! Bad Foundation, man falls during every storm MATHEW 7 23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity. 24 Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock: 25 And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock. 26 And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand: 27 And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it. 28 And it came to pass, when Jesus had ended these sayings, the people were astonished at his doctrine: 29 For he taught them as one having authority, and not as the scribes. Seek a strong FOUNDATION of truth https://rumble.com/v2g31a0-globe-debunked-by-flat-earthers-armed-with-lasers.html
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 721 Views
  • Don Lemon was able to say, more or less what Scott Adams said --- But no one called for his cancelling .......... And no one called him, "racist"
    Don Lemon was able to say, more or less what Scott Adams said --- But no one called for his cancelling .......... And no one called him, "racist" https://www.bitchute.com/video/4M9djlfQRaQE/
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 267 Views
  • What is a RACIST... generally it's the ONE CALLING OTHERS..."RACIST"! Black face , oh wait... NEVER-MIND......
    * * * * Whoopi Goldberg Faces Backlash After Dropping Ethnic Slur While Trashing Trump on 'The View'


    What is a RACIST... generally it's the ONE CALLING OTHERS..."RACIST"! Black face , oh wait... NEVER-MIND...... * * * * Whoopi Goldberg Faces Backlash After Dropping Ethnic Slur While Trashing Trump on 'The View' https://www.westernjournal.com/whoopi-goldberg-faces-backlash-dropping-ethnic-slur-trashing-trump-view/
    Whoopi Goldberg Faces Backlash After Dropping Ethnic Slur While Trashing Trump on 'The View'
    "The View" host Whoopi Goldberg is facing yet another backlash, this time after unleashing an ethnic slur in her race to attack Donald Trump.
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 294 Views
  • Ukrainian refugee, finds living in a multicultural city, more scary than being back home under constant Russian bombardment --- Looking up crime statistics is apparently upsetting diverse communities .......... Because you can't tell the truth without being labelled, "racist"
    Ukrainian refugee, finds living in a multicultural city, more scary than being back home under constant Russian bombardment --- Looking up crime statistics is apparently upsetting diverse communities .......... Because you can't tell the truth without being labelled, "racist" https://rumble.com/v27dfw3-based-ukrainian-refugee-causes-offense..html
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 304 Views
    ...SO,... THESE "RACIST" "EDUMUFUCATORS", ARE OK WITH RACISM BEING TAUGHT TO STUDENTS,...AS LONG AS IT'S JUST THEIR, PREFERRED, "RACISM"??!!! 🌈 💩💥 https://www.infowars.com/posts/video-woke-school-officials-boast-about-secretly-teaching-crt-without-parental-consent/
    Video: Woke School Officials Boast About Secretly Teaching CRT Without Parental Consent
    More and more evidence emerges showing clandestine operation by woke activist teachers to indoctrinate your children with racist curriculum.
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 299 Views
  • Local Media Across The US Covers 'Evil Salesman' Dr. Quintin Bostic's Plan to Violate GA State Law

    Let me give you a little HINT:
    The words "Diversity" and "Equity" and "Inclusion" and "Whiteness" are nothing more than code for "ANTI-WHITE #RACISM AND BIGOTRY" with a #Marxist twist!

    So next time you hear these words you'll KNOW their TRUE MEANING!

    ALL OF THIS BS was first used in Russia and then in Germany by the most #Racist people on earth.... The people who call themselves #Jews but are truly the "Synagogue of Satan"

    So beware of these Racist clowns who'll be calling YOU the Racist!
    It's what they do!

    At least a "Racist" generally only hates ONE GROUP of people!

    So they hate 99.7% of the global population!

    Local Media Across The US Covers 'Evil Salesman' Dr. Quintin Bostic's Plan to Violate GA State Law Let me give you a little HINT: The words "Diversity" and "Equity" and "Inclusion" and "Whiteness" are nothing more than code for "ANTI-WHITE #RACISM AND BIGOTRY" with a #Marxist twist! So next time you hear these words you'll KNOW their TRUE MEANING! ALL OF THIS BS was first used in Russia and then in Germany by the most #Racist people on earth.... The people who call themselves #Jews but are truly the "Synagogue of Satan" So beware of these Racist clowns who'll be calling YOU the Racist! It's what they do! At least a "Racist" generally only hates ONE GROUP of people! THESE PEOPLE HATE ALL NON-JEWS! So they hate 99.7% of the global population! NOW THAT'S A RACIST! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c1ubQSWRDSs&ab_channel=ProjectVeritas
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 1141 Views
  • "#VoterID laws are #racist", eh?

    #Racism #RaceCard #LookWhosTheRealRacist #FreeID #OneCitizenOneVote #RollSafeMeme

    #Conservative #TEAParty #TGDN #PJNet #TLOT #TCOT #CCOT
    "#VoterID laws are #racist", eh? #Racism #RaceCard #LookWhosTheRealRacist #FreeID #OneCitizenOneVote #RollSafeMeme #Conservative #TEAParty #TGDN #PJNet #TLOT #TCOT #CCOT
    0 Commentarios 1 Acciones 2244 Views

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